A new Cuban Tropidophis species – good end to a long journey

Cuba has the highest diversity of snakes in the genus Tropidophis, representing 53 % of all the known species. Despite a long history of species descriptions and a large body of work already performed on the Cuban herpetofauna and Tropidophis in particular, Luis M. Díaz from the Cuban natural History Museum and and Antonio Cádiz from the University of Miami discovered a new species which they named Tropidophis steinleini . It is described from the eastern region of Cuba, raising the number of species to 17 on this archipelago. The new species is most closely related to T. wrighti, T. spiritus and T. morenoi. The publication is interesting also for the general naturalist, since it contains many unique fotographs of Tropidophis. On Facebook, one of the Authors describes the difficulties from first observation and discovery until it the species description was finally published. It was a six year long journey but took a good end. Congratulations!