A short film on deforestation

The following short video shows real images, comparing the state of forests in 1984 to 2020. Many of our readers have been already born when the first images of this film were taken. So this all happened within our lifetime…

While many of the images are from South America, it is necessary to understand that deforestation is not a local problem of some less developed countries, but rather the result of a globalized world where it is cheaper to cut and burn trees for a meager harvest of soy, corn, sugar cane, palm oil, etc., which in turn is exported to feed cattle or sweeten our soft drinks, than to produce healthy food from the soils we live on.

Deforestation is real and the root cause is the human population.

It is important to notice that on the West Indies, changing natural habitat occurs at an unprecedented pace, for different reasons than in South America, but with the same result.

With deforestation measured in hectares per hour (ha/hr) instead of ha/month or year, this is the biggest threat to all biodiversity on this planet. PERIOD.